Join our wonderful Kiruv department and utilize your unique teaching and people skills.
Steer participants closer to Yiddishkeit as you coordinate facilitating chavrusa partnerships as well as participation in a myriad of Oorah Programs.
The ideal candidate has excellent communication skills, is computer proficient and has a passion to make a difference in molding Klal Yisroel.
This is a full-time position in our Lakewood, NJ office with some evening hours required.
A moment with: An Oorah TorahMates Coordinator
Chaim shares what it’s like to be a TorahMates coordinator:
(O) What does your job entail?
(CS) The TorahMates Coordinators partner up TorahMates and make sure their Jewish learning is running smoothly. We have over 11,500 TorahMates in our program, and we’re constantly getting more. We talk to and get to know every TorahMate to match up their personalities with someone who would be the right fit for them. Age, the subject they’d like to learn, and their schedules are all taken into account. It’s like being a shadchan for learning partners! We also spend a lot of time following up with the partners to make sure the learning is going well from all angles.
(O) What kind of person do you have to be to work in the kiruv field?
(CS) Anyone can work in kiruv if they’re friendly and nonjudgmental. Kiruv is really just about being yourself. Living by example and being a role model is the best way to inspire others.
(O) What’s your favorite part of the job?
(CS) Meeting such amazing people! I love getting to know such special individuals from a variety of backgrounds who all want to learn and grow! It’s such a fulfilling job; we help so many people connect more to Yiddishkeit. It’s a huge inspiration for me to see what a difference our TorahMates are making and how everyone, both the volunteers and their partners, is growing. Being a TorahMates coordinator is more than a job; it’s a mission.